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Can an iPad Help Dyslexics?

May 14, 2021
Digital Voice Recorder

A lot of people have been asking whether a digital voice recorder (DVR) is really worth its purchase cost. They read the user review and find out that it is capable of storing hours of conversations, but it also costs hundreds of dollars. Some of them think that they need to spend thousands to get the best recording equipment. The fact is that there are actually several factors that should weigh in your decision making process. We are going to look at the most important aspects of digital voice recorders and how you can determine if it is worth your money.

Is the digital audio recording unit cheap? Does it have the right sound quality to suit purpose? What about the various editing functions offered in the equipment? Can computer or similar electronic device easily fit in the recorder’s case?

Digital voice recording devices for dyslexics are available in several shapes and sizes. You can choose from compact models to desktop electronic devices. They are mostly powered by the standard batteries like AA or triple A as well as alkaline batteries for powering the scanning pens. If you have special requirements like carrying an MP3 player along with the audio recording device, you can look out for the portable models.

Are the iPad versions of the digital audio recording devices suitable for dyslexic individuals? Currently, there are several models for the iPad which are suitable for the visually impaired individuals. Most of these iPad models come with special text-to-speech capabilities. In addition to this, some of them are designed specially for the iPad user interface. The iPad versions of the electronic pens come with their own inbuilt text-to-speech capabilities and also other special text-to-speech options. If you need the special feature of the iPad versions of the digital voice recorders, you will have to buy the special version of the iPad models which come with extra features.

Are there any other alternatives to the use of an iPad for recording audios and dictations? The popular digital pen of the iPad, for instance, can also come in handy for recording interviews or meetings. The pen has a good writing implement which comes in handy for writing down important information during an interview or meeting. The use of the iPad as a transcription tool can assist the person who is dyslexic in reading the text correctly.

In the past, there was no other choice than the traditional transcription tools like the stenographic machines which were widely used by the transcription service providers in the past. The problem with these tools was that they were large and could not be used conveniently by the individuals who were dyslexic. It was impossible to use these old versions of transcription tools because they were labor intensive and quite difficult to operate. However, the present-day e-readers such as the iPad or the virtual keyboard of the iPad can be an ideal option to address the needs of the dyslexic individuals who need assistive technology to properly read hard copy text or document.
