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Four Types Of Movement Sensors Used In Rehabilitation

May 19, 2021

Four Types Of Movement Sensors Used In Rehabilitation

Movement Sensors

A movement sensor is an electronic device that uses a spring-loaded sensor to detect movement in a given area. Such a unit is commonly integrated as part of a larger system which automatically performs a pre-determined activity or triggers an individual user of interest when such activity is detected. These devices are used for a variety of activities such as controlling robots, emergency vehicles and pets as well as monitoring the security in a building or any large space. This article will provide a review of the most popular movement sensors on the market today along with details of some of the more affordable models available.

PetSafe Mega 200 – The PetSafe Mega 200 is one of the more affordable models in this particular range. It has a fully programmable feature which makes it suitable for a variety of clinical applications. For example, it can be set to indicate when food is within reach and can also trigger an audible warning when food is removed from the reach of a pet. In addition, this unit is capable of distinguishing between male and female dogs and can be set to a low alert level for male dogs only. It is easy to use and has received high recommendations from veterinarians and animal care professionals.

Neuron Pro Series – The Neuron Pro Series consists of a wide range of devices which have been designed to perform a variety of tasks. Some of these devices include; motion detectors for security, temperature monitors for home and industrial use and outdoor thermometers. They are suitable for detecting movement in large spaces and indoors. Their cost effectiveness and ease of installation make them very popular among home and commercial premises. The price range is reasonably priced when compared to other movement sensors in the same category and their ease of use ensures they are suitable for a wide range of professionals and consumers.

iMotion Pediatric – The iMotion Pediatric features an exclusive range of lightweight and portable monitoring instruments suitable for a variety of medical indications. These medical monitoring devices have been designed to monitor any range of vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and temperature and can perform a variety of tasks such as taking a stool sample or applying pressure to the back. The built in pediatric leg rest ensures the device remains in place and is comfortable and the unique bendable sensor provides a stable and secure base for accurate positioning. They are suitable for monitoring a range of conditions including cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries and chronic fatigue and have been highly recommended by leading healthcare professionals.

iRobot Robotic Systems – There are four different types of iRobot wearable sensors which are based on the I-skin technology. These sensors include the iRobot Virtual Assistants, iRobot Rebounders, iRobot Armor Sorts and the iRobot Mobility Products. They are designed to improve the rehabilitation process and also to reduce the physical therapy required for patients with physical impairments and conditions. A variety of conditions including carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and cerebral palsy have been successfully treated using iRobot’s Virtual Assignments system.

The advanced technology provided by these devices means that they can be used in a wide range of rehabilitation programs. Their lightweight and small size means they are very convenient and easy to carry around. They can be attached to athletes’ foot pedals or hand weights to give the additional benefits of soft sensors. The soft sensors used by iRobot are flexible and durable and can sense body heat, humidity and oxygen. This means that even cold-blooded runners can benefit from rehabilitation programs using iRobot’s technology.
